DIY Hardwood Floor Blog

Does Hardwood Floor Planking Size Make a Difference?

Does Hardwood Floor Planking Size Make a Difference?

Once you've determined the perfect flooring for your needs there may be one more thing to consider – plank size. This isn't necessarily the width of the boards themselves (although that does make a difference in the looks when installed) but the actual thickness. Here are some reasons why hardwood floor plank size should be added to your shopping checklist:
Best Hardwood Flooring for Homes with Pets & Kids

Best Hardwood Flooring for Homes with Pets & Kids

When you are shopping for new hardwood floors, there are obviously many things to consider. However, if your home is also inhabited by kids and pets there's another detail to ponder...
How and Why Do Hardwood Floors Increase Home Value?

How and Why Do Hardwood Floors Increase Home Value?

We all know that hardwood floors are glamorous but does a floor really increase the assessment range of your home? After all a floor is just a floor... right? The truth is, installing hardwood in your home really does make it more appealing to potential buyers. Best of all, it is a renovation project you can enjoy now without losing any value over the long term. Here are some of those reasons why hardwood floors offer such a great ROI...
You've Received Your Floor Samples...Now What?

You've Received Your Floor Samples...Now What?

Your Easiklip sample pack just arrive. What are your next steps?
Should “Under Foot Flooring” Be Considered When Choosing Flooring?

Should “Under Foot Flooring” Be Considered When Choosing Flooring?

If you were to poll people looking for new flooring in their home, the answer to what priority was most important would probably be one of the following:

  • Looks
  • Affordability
  • Longevity
  • Type of Wood

Those are all valid concerns but there's also one more very common trait that consumers look for – under foot feel. At second glance, how a floor feels under your feet when you walk on it is actually a pretty novel concern.

How to Remove Dents in Hardwood Floors Easily Without Damage

How to Remove Dents in Hardwood Floors Easily Without Damage

Did you have an accident that damaged your hardwood floor? Without proper attention to safeguarding your wood floor, it can be easy to end up with deep scratches or unsightly dents.

But fear not! Although it's not invincible, your Easiklip hardwood floor is easy to repair.